SARBATORILE DOMNULUI – ( 2 ) – ( Remember )


  Aceasta Sarbatoare o gasim descrisa in Levitic ( Vaikra )  23 : 15-22.
“ De a 2-a zi dupa Shabbat, din ziua cand veti  aduce snopul ca  sa fie leganat  intr-o parte si intr-alta , sa numarati 7 saptamani intregi . Sa numarati cincizeci de zile pana in ziua care vine de la al saptelea Shabbat, si atunci sa duceti Domnului un nou dar de mancare. ( …)  Cand veti secera semanaturile din tara voastra , sa lasi neceserat un colt din campul tau, si sa nu strangi ce ramane de pe urma seceratorilor , Sa lasi saracului si strainului aceste spice . Eu sunt Domnul Dumnezeul vostru.”
Sarbatoarea Saptamanilor , sau Cincizecimea ( evr. Shavuot ) este o Sarbatoare care vizeaza de asemenea primele roade. Perioada numararii Omerului incepe imediat  dupa  primul Shabbat al Pesach-ului , continuand pana la Cincizecime. In Torah se cer 7 saptamani de numarare a Omerului, asa cum se poate vedea in Vaikra 23: 15- 17, 21 . Datorita acestui ritual al numararii , perioada dintre Pesach si Shavuot se mai numeste simplu OMER sau in alte traduceri mai vechi NUMARATOAREA OMERULUI. ( mai departe a i c i )

Despre otnielabattzion - עותניאלה בת ציון

Evreică mesianică al cărei crez se bazează pe certitudinea că Yeşua Ben Elohim este Unicul Mesia, Salvatorul Israelului şi al Neamurilor. / A jewish woman who believes in Yeshua Ha Mashiach, The greatest Rabbi and Reedemer, The only One Messiah for Jewish People, and Gentiles, too.
Acest articol a fost publicat în Cultură şi civilizaţie iudaică, Teologie şi Spiritualitate. Pune un semn de carte cu legătura permanentă.

17 răspunsuri la SARBATORILE DOMNULUI – ( 2 ) – ( Remember )

  1. Albert Kindberg zice:

    Shabat Shalom ! S hema Israel ! La toti un Shabat plin de bucurie. Intram repede in Shavuot , in Ziua binecuvantatei Tore. ADONAI sa va improspateze bucuria in EL si sa va arate Shekinah Lui care sa va ajute sa ramaneti langa EL mereu. Fie ca Yeshua Ben David sa va mangaie pe toti si sa va stropeasca cu untdelemnul lui Ruach ha Kodesch.

  2. Dana zice:

    Sabat Salom Chag Shavuot Sameach!

    Bamidbar 26 May 2012 5 Sivan 5772 Numbers 1:1-4:20 Hosea 2:1-22 Luke 16:1-17:10
    In the wliderness

    The Hebrew name of the fourth book of the Torah (also the name of the first reading) isBamidbar (במדבר), which means “In the wilderness.” It comes from the first words of the first verse, which say, “Then the LORD spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai” (Numbers 1:1). The English title of the book is “Numbers,” which is derived from the Greek Septuagint (LXX) version of the Torah. The book of Numbers tells the story of Israel’s trek through the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land, their failure at the edge of the land and the subsequent forty years of wandering. It concludes with the story of the second generation’s triumphs over the first Canaanite resistance. The book ends with the Israelites poised on the edge of Canaan, ready to take their inheritance. Woven in the midst of these narratives is a significant amount of legal material.

    The first reading from Bamidbar and the thirty-fourth reading from the Torah begin with a census of the tribes of Israel and the Levitical families just prior to the departure from Sinai.

    House of the Father

    Thought for the Week:

    In the New Jerusalem, there are twelve gates on which are written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Everyone who enters the city must enter through one of those gates. There is no gate called “Gentiles.”


    By their families, by their fathers’ households … (Numbers 1:2)

    The census in the wilderness illustrates the family structure and relationship of the nation of Israel. All the children of Israel were one large family. The hierarchical family relationships reveal the Bible’s patriarchal worldview. The breakdown of the nation into tribe, clan and household demonstrates the strong central position of fathers.

    The entire nation looked back to one common father. They were the descendents of Jacob. That’s why they were called “children of Israel.” (Israel is another name for Jacob.)

    Each Israelite could trace his line of descent through one of the twelve sons of Jacob. That line of descent formed his or her tribal identity. Those who were descended from a common father were referred to as a tribe. The twelve sons of Jacob were fathers over the tribes. The tribes of Israel were further broken down into large extended families. The Hebrew word for “family” is mishpachah (משפחה). However, when used in the tribal sense, it does not refer to a nuclear family household; it refers to the large extended family of a common forefather within a tribe. A better English word is “clan.” A clan is like a sub-tribe—a tribe within a tribe.

    Every clan was composed of many households. The Hebrew word for “household” is beit av(בית אב), a term that literally translates as “house of a father.” The father’s household was composed of himself, his wife (or wives), children and grandchildren.

    The common denominator in all these family rankings is the central position of a father. In the biblical world, fatherhood was the essential ingredient for family and identity. Isn’t that chauvinistic? Not from the perspective of the biblical woman. She regarded her father and husband as her prestige and her identity. They were the affirmation of her femininity. They provided her protection, sustenance and dignity. It’s a different way of thinking from what we have today.

    The patriarchal worldview explains why Paul was so eager to establish spiritual paternity for the Gentile believers. To be reckoned as part of the nation, the Gentile believers needed to come under the household of Israel’s fathers. In Paul’s theology, Gentile believers are adopted into the family of Israel.

    Jew and Gentile alike, we all share in the person of Messiah and are fellow heirs, citizens in the Israel of God—the Kingdom of Messiah. We have all been brought near by the same atonement and given the same Torah.

    Still, a Gentile believer might wonder which tribe of Israel he is to be identified with. Since the Gentile disciple’s participation in Israel is only by means of faith in Yeshua the son of David, the Gentile’s tribal affinity is naturally with David’s tribe: the tribe of Judah. ( copiat de aici )

    Sarbatoi binecuvantate !

  3. Dana zice:


    By Fringers Sphere (A)
    Pentecost Power
    A combination video with an informational teaching video in the beginning followed by a stirring music video that calls the viewer to repentance.

    Themes: repentance, obedience, empowerment by the Holy Spirit, Shavuot, Pentecost, wheat harvest, Mount Sinai, Moses, 10 Commandments, disciples, outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, prophesy, end times, in the latter days.

    Shavuot is about more than expressing gratitude with the first fruits of the wheat harvest. Tucked within this cyclical Feast of the LORD are amazing types and shadows.

    This powerful video will stir the hearts to repent and return to the LORD and to begin walking as Yeshua walked: the Derech HaKodesh (The Way of Holiness).

    Play as is or have a person read the narration, and another read the scriptures that are quoted and then have your Davidic Dance team choreograph a dance to the song at the end of the teaching.

    LeChoo VeNaShuva (Come Let Us Return To The LORD) is sung in Biblical Hebrew taken right from scripture Lamentations 3:40-41 and Hosea 6:1a,3. Features subtitles in Hebrew Transliterated Hebrew and English so the congregation can sing along. ( copiat de aici )

  4. Dan Konner zice:

    Hag Sameah ! Sarbatorile Domnului cu dragoste si bucurie. Baruch Hashem , Otniela .
    Merita sa cititi aceste articole de Otniela.
    Albert te salut in Numele lui Meshiah . Cred ca ne-am intalnit la Oradea , anul trecut daca nu ma insel …era de Sukot .

    • Albert Kindberg zice:

      Baruch Hashem ! Intotdeauna oamenii lui Dumnezeu se intalnesc , Ruach Ha Kodesh lucreaza si face posibil acest lucru. Eu vreau sa fiu al lui Adonai cu toata inima.
      Frate , ma bucur sa te reintalnesc aici pe acest site binecuvantat. Te salut in Numele lui Melekh Moshiach.
      In continuare un Shavuot bogat in cele spirituale . Onorat sa fie Ruach Ha Kodesh !!!!!!!!! Vina El cu Ploaia Lui peste noi toti.

  5. Isaac Tzander zice:

    Chag Shavuot Sameach ! May ADONAI provide all of Otniella site , a fresh and joyful Shavuot. Be blessed by Hashem, the Almighty God of the Universe, in the Name of Yeshua Meshiha and in a special communion with the Ruah ha Kodesh. Baruch ata Adonai Elocheinu …! Blessed be God for the Torah.

  6. Bogdan zice:

    Sarut mana , Shalom ! Va doresc o Sarbatoare binecuvantata Otniela, Dvs si tuturor mesianicilor.
    Dumnezeu fie cu Dvs la fiecare pas, in fiecare zi , in fiecare ceas. Va multumim pentru toate aceste binefacatoare articole care reusesc intotdeauna sa ne duca mai aproape de Dumnezeu.

  7. Nathy Kimmer zice:

    Hag Sameach ! Be blessed Otniela with the best happiest Shavuot in your life. Adonai is kind and merciful. To all of your friends and visitors much peace and joy from Yeshua the Messiah of Israel and the world.

  8. Teodora zice:

    Shalom , Otnielei si tuturor vizitatorilor. Va doresc o sarbatoare cat mai fericita.
    Va multumesc pentru studiul sarbatorilor Otniela. Am inteles bine relevanta Mesajului din Levitic 23.
    Fiti binecuvantata cu viata, sanatate si prosperitate , sa ne puteti indruma mai departe pe Calea lui Isus Iesua Mesia.

  9. Rebecca and Max T. Wolvin- Bonton zice:

    Chag Sameach ! Hope you still have a wonderful Shavuot , Otniella. As messianics we still celebrate in Shavuot the entering of the Holy Spirit into the world .
    I wish you wonderful time in your life and family. The Messianic Congregation in Romania be blessed by the Almighty God of Israel. May The Holy Spirit protect and comfort each of you.
    Everybody Shalom , from Rebecca and Max .

    • Dana zice:

      Hag Sameah!

      Salom from Romania All Messianic Congregations Around the World!

      2 Corinthians 13 OJB

      The Chen v’Chesed Adoneinu Moshiach and the ahavat Hashem and the hitkhabrut HaRuach Hakodesh be with you. ( copie din Brit Hadasha in Ebraica – Engleza )

  10. Joseph Bielinski zice:

    Chag Sameach ! I wish you Otniella and all your messianics in Romania a wonderful peaceful celebration of Shavuot Time. We must celebrate in a joyful way The Coming of The Holy Spirit in our world. It s a grace shown to all of us , jews and gentiles added together under Yeshua Meshiach s cross.
    Be blessed all of you ! Ruach Ha Kodesh keep you for The Holy God , The Almighty Warrior of Israel .

  11. Shmuel Dimmer zice:

    To Otniella and all her visitors , A Happy Shavuot Time… be blessed with a special annointing of The Holy Spirit .
    Remember our brothers and sisters in the holy land and pray for them all :

  12. Ibanescu Rodica Alice zice:

    Si eu va doresc , Otniela o sarbatoare de Shavuot fericita si implinita prin Duhul Sfant pe care Il sarbatorim cu totii. Shalom .

  13. Marian Chioveanu zice:

    Mda…Am citit articolul Otniela. Dupa Biblie aveti dreptate…Sper sa inteleaga acest lucru tot mai multi. Shalom. Duhul Sfant fie slavit !

  14. Dragi Prieteni , va multumesc pentru participarea D-voastra la acest topic. Acest lucru imbucurator confirma ca Sarbatorile Domnului , descrise in Levitic 23, atat de dragi evreilor din toate timpurile , nu si-au pierdut valabilitatea si semnificatia lor profunda, iar Biserica incepe sa le descopere frumusetea, pasind in Promisiunile Sfinte, prin Credinta si in Adevar.
    Va doresc tuturor clipe de intensa apropiere de Dumnezeu , prin Cuvantul Vietii, Cuvantul care era cu Dumnezeu si care este Dumnezeu ( Ioan 1 : 2 ) . Sa fiti binecuvantati din Sion cu adevarata Intelepciune venita de Sus. Shavua Tov !

  15. Dear Friends , Shalom ! I `m very glad you came and visited my site, especially this article with God `s Feasts. This means that they didn`t lose their significance for the People of God at the present time. Yes, the time is ready for the Church to raise up , receiving the all Word of God , stepping in the Promisses through Faith.
    I wish you everybody , much special moments close to our elderly Brother , that is called by John , The Word of God ( John 1 : 1-2 ) . May you be blessed and helped by the entire Wisdom, that comes from Heaven. Amen ! Shavua Tov !

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